During This Uncertain Time

It’s the end of May 2020 and the country is focused on sheltering in place. It’s the right thing to do to hopefully squash the spread of this horrible virus and hopefully keep our loved ones, and other people’s loved ones, safe. Every email I get includes some variation of ‘during this uncertain time’. It could be about grocery delivery, utility bills or from a blog I follow, and I feel like it is the understatement of the year.

It’s definitely an uncertain time. Hundreds of thousands of people have lost their jobs across the US. My company had layoffs. We know people who have lost their jobs because of the impact COVID-19 has had on the economy. We don’t know what school will look like this Fall when it’s back in session. All remote learning? Partial?

Here’s what we know.

This pandemic hasn’t changed our plans to move to NZ within the next 2 years. If anything, it has gotten me a bit more excited about the adventure and change of pace. In March we told my parents and sister that we were moving forward and planning on making the move mid- 2021, if everything goes well. It was so hard. They said they expected it at some point, but still, hearing it and putting a timeline on it makes it more real. Yes, there were tears but there was also encouragement. They’d never ask us to not go.

Sort of related: We are so impressed with how the New Zealand PM has handled her country’s response to the coronavirus. Fast, serious… looks like it is working.